Life as Software Engineer

11 Dec 2021

Software Engineer Job

Software Engineers create and develop application tool and website to suit the need of people. Often the software engineer’s work extends to many different fields in the community and economy, like medical, food service, business, government, military, and etc. As software engineers, we need to explore and learn the work process and things in the different fields for order to engage in our only software engineering work.

ICS 414

ICS 414 software engineering II, a course provided for computer engineers, software engineers, and computer science students. It is a continuation of ICS 314, which lets students experience learning web development, and additionally develop students’ project management, quality, and productivity control, testing and validation, and team management skills. In the ICS 414 course, students were placed in a team-oriented software-implementation project to develop a working web app for an actual customer. In fall 2021, the customer was The Hawaii H.O.M.E. Project organization, and in the project, students must develop an application tool or website to track, manage, and organize the medicine and medical supply item its own.

Med-Warriors Project

In the ICS 414, I was assigned to a team for a software-implementation project and we name our team as Med-Warriors. For the software-implementation project, we created a database website with the collection database to track the medicine and medical supply. Addcationly, we implemented input and output to systems to manage and organize the medicine and medical supply in their storage. In the website development process, our team focuses on three things that are IDPM review, unit testing, and acceptance testing. As a team reviewed and tested the functions, pages, and components in the app, and slowly in the development process we improve our teamwork and project management skill.
